5 Strategies to Stop Doubting Yourself and Pursue Your Dreams

Whether you feel that achieving your dreams are a long way off or just a few moments away, it’s essential that you feel confident that you can reach them. As what you believe, you will indeed achieve…

The key to getting your dreams to become a reality is to believe in yourself and your abilities. Only you can make them come true. Only you can stop the doubts. 

If you’ve doubted whether you can reach your dreams, try these strategies to regain your confidence:

  1. Learn to recognize self-doubt. Are you aware of how much doubt is affecting your dreams? The first step is to recognize the power that self-doubt has over you.

    • You may have a dream, but are you actively pursuing it? Doubt can paralyze you and stop you from going after your dreams. It can creep in slowly and destroy them. You may not even notice how much it’s hurting your dreams.  The mind is the most powerful tool you will ever possess, it can help you conquer what is in front of you or it will paralyze you. 

  2. Avoid letting your struggles stop you. Struggles can increase your doubt about your abilities to achieve your goals. They can cause you to give up and walk away – if you let them.

    • Struggles and challenges are a natural part of the journey toward your dreams. 

    • Rather than pretending that the issues don’t exist or that you can avoid them, face them head on. Know that you can find a solution and continue moving forward toward your dreams. It might be a different path than what you originally planned, but consider that it might be even better, too.

    • I believe that you can either be a victim and let a situation own you, or you can own it; the greatest testimonies & successes in this world are done both those who overcame their struggles. Struggles are just an opportunity for growth, and God will use it for our good when we trust and walk with Him. 

  3. Recognize excuses. If you don’t believe in yourself, then you can create many excuses to stop going after your dreams. You may tell yourself that you’re not worthy of your dreams or that they’re foolish. You may convince yourself that you don’t deserve success, happiness, or other good things. Doubt can make you stay in a comfortable place that isn’t fulfilling.  

    • Your excuses might include that you don’t have enough time or resources to achieve your dreams. You may also blame your family, background, or other features of your life.

    • Recognize that you’re using these reasons for excuses. For better results, think of them as simply challenges that you can find a solution to, and get busy!

    • Also, your excuse may be deeper than this, it may be because success scares you, the unknown or that you might lose someone. As Yeshua told them man who said he had to say his goodbyes first, “No one who has put his hand to the plow and looked back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:61-62). We aren’t meant to be in chained to this world, we have a greater purpose instead… Not everyone is meant to grow with You, but if they truly care for you that will walk beside you and lift you up or they will let you go.

  4. Act with confidence. Even if you’re scared to step forward, it’s important to act with confidence. The old cliché of “faking it till you make it” is what many turn to, but really, if this is something you are called to, then really it is “faith it until you make it”. You must go after your dreams with passion and confidence even when you’re scared and uncertain. Pursue forward and trust God, “where He guides, He will provide” (Isaiah 58:11).

    • Practice by doing things that take a little courage. Not only will you get some things done, but you’ll also have more self-esteem because you’re doing things that scare you. You can build up your confidence over time with little steps. 

    • Each day do something, even if it is small little changes will bring you to the person you are called to be, the person you long to grow to be. Matthew McConaughey said it best, “I will never achieve my hero, because my hero will always be my next goal”.

  5. View your challenges in a new way. Life is filled with teachable moments that can help you get to your dreams. For myself, it is why I am here speaking to you in this very blog. Usually, they take the form of challenges. Challenges can shape and transform you. Instead of thinking of your challenges as failures, look at them as learning opportunities, or results that can show you a new, more effective approach.

    • Each challenge gives you the chance to experience something new and learn from it. 

    • This will help you to connect to a broader range of people, it is why the Lord used people throughout scripture; it is why Jesus came to us, to teach us, to inspire us.

    • They’re a sign that you’re growing as a person and making progress. They mean that you’re getting closer to your goals. They’re the stones in your path that act as markers for the final destination of your dreams. 

    • Challenges can just be a distraction from the enemy because you are in pursuit of what God intends for you…

Self-doubt can destroy any dream. It can make you feel like you’re worthless. It can make you think that your dreams aren’t possible and will never happen. But this isn’t true! You can defeat this negative thought process with strategies like these. Regain your self-confidence and go after your dreams!

Dreams don’t work unless we do.


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