5 Reasons to Go Back to School Now!

Considering the current state of the economy, completing a college education is more important than ever. While the job market is tough for everyone involved & navigating the mandates and your personal beliefs, college graduates are less likely to feel the pinch because employers deem them worthy of hiring due to their credentials when their degree fits the field.

You truly can change the course of your life by going back to school. However, if you need a bit more convincing, here are five more compelling reasons why you should go back to school now:

1.      Make more money. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average annual income for someone who has completed a high school education is $30,000, while the average annual income of a person holding a bachelor’s degree is $52,000. By completing your college education, you just might be able to give yourself a $22,000 boost in salary.

  • If you currently hold a bachelor’s degree, you stand to earn a $10,000 pay raise by getting your Master's. Master's degree holders have an average annual income of over $62,000.

  • Yes, going back to school requires a time investment now, but you'll reap the rewards for the duration of your career in terms of salary and career advancement opportunities.

2.      Lead by example. Going back to school not only benefits your family from a financial standpoint, but it also helps you set a positive example for your children. When your children see you working hard to earn your degree, you're showing them that earning a pursuing your goals is worth the effort. This increases their perceived value of a goal and that you can continue to learn and grow at any age.

  •  Many parents tell their children that they can do anything, be anything they want. But when they themselves settle in life, it is usually what they end up doing as well. Monkey see-monkey do. We live by example of what we learn.

  • Witnessing to my daughter myself continually pursuing goals to better our lives and serve others is one of the most rewarding elements of motherhood. One of my biggest goals as a mom is to let my daughter try everything and see what she is passionate about. It is when we try new things that we learn more about ourselves, and one of my biggest goals as her mother is to ensure she knows who she is, her gifts and celebrate with her. That when she becomes an adult, she will know herself and have a foundation built on love and on the Lord that allows her to move in the direction of who she is with confidence.

3.      Get into the career field of your dreams. Maybe the job you have now was intended to be a stepping-stone a few years ago. However, if you're still in the position, it's no longer a stepping-stone - it's your career. Going back to school can get you into the career field that you've always dreamt of being part of.

  • Combined with your current job experience, a degree or professional certification can also start you off in a new job with a higher salary, considering that you have workforce experience.

  • Remember: You aren't a new college grad without real world job experience; you bring a lot of value to the table!

4.      Gain a competitive edge. It's no secret that the job market is rather glum at the moment. Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that it will improve. If you ever do find yourself seeking new employment, listing a college degree as one of your credentials will give you a competitive edge over other applicants.

  • Employers can get more for their money by hiring college graduates or some training. So, if it comes down to choosing between two applicants, one with a college degree and the other without, nine times out of ten the college graduate will be given the job. 

  • If a tech comes in without any real knowledge and training, it costs more in time to teach and train someone just to see if they will be if they fit the position of not; no matter whether you have training – work ethic is crucial so be sure that you are doing something that you enjoy, when we are passionate about what we do – it is no longer just a job, it is much more on a personal & professional level.


5.      Flexibility. Earning a college education is more flexible than ever. In some instances, you don't even have to leave your home in order to attend classes. Online classes are becoming a mainstream alternative to in-person schooling and fit nicely into the schedules of working professionals.  

  • When choosing an online school, ensure that the school is accredited. If you feel hesitant to attend a 100% online school, choose a local college that offers online course options. Do your research, top schools are now becoming more and more virtual, but be sure you know yourself and how best you learn. Online education has been perfect for my family but also for me personally because I can’t through a classroom or up and move taking my daughter clear across the country.


If you're concerned about paying for schooling, talk to your employer. Regardless of the state of the economy, many employers still offer continued education for their employees on the corporate dime. And if your company is one of the many that still offer this benefit to their employees, you stand to gain a college education without a large monetary investment!

However, some employers & positions prefer to train you themselves to ensure you do things their way as well. College isn’t for everyone; tech jobs and manual labor training is on a all time rise as there is a need like never before. So, it is critical that you figure out who you are, what your passions are, your talents, etc. When you do what you are created for, life is simple and fulfilling, not always easy but always more purposeful.

So, before you jump into a college or a program just because it may have some financial benefits, be sure that have figured out who you are, your goals/dreams, your talents, the career that would align you with these elements, where you would love to work or the kind of business you wish to start. Once you have these pieces in alignment, then research what is needed, then you can figure out the best action for continued training.

The great thing about training and education, you continue to learn more about yourself, and is the education is the right fit; I started off believing that I wanted to be a family and marriage counselor when I started my bachelor’s degree in psychology, then I loved sociology and philosophy as much as I loved psychology, so I switched to Applied Behavioral Science, then through education and prayer, I learned that I didn’t want to help others deal with their past and I definitely wanted nothing to do with the pharmaceutical companies; I wanted to help people where they were to get to where they are called to be and its what I have always been passionate about, so life coaching, writing and ministry was emphasized for me.

Education only connects you in the ways that you not only are interested but the way you learn. There are other great resources to try for free or for a lot less, my favorites are with Christian Leaders College, Udemy & Coursera. There are many more platforms out there to check out but doing a free or discounted class that has credibility will help you navigate what interests you and how you best learn.

And if you are needing a course to re-find who you are authentically, our course will be available soon 😊 Check out, www.if-intentionallyfocused.com/course

You got this, I believe in you and I would love to hear your story! Continue to live intentionally.


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