3 Steps to Make Your Dreams into Reality

3 Steps to Make Your Dreams into Reality

Everyone has a dream – many dreams actually – but few believe that they can actually achieve them. Nevertheless, some people achieve their dreams while others live lives of regret. Some are inspired and follow through, while others delay or give up entirely on their dreams in exchange for whatever excuses or reasonings they comfort themselves with. But, God has given us the ability to dream as well as the tools to pursue them; which is why you will continually hear me state that ‘Dreams are just Goals, when you have the right plan and budget’, but it also takes the mindset and faith to step forward.

What are the factors that make that difference between the person who achieves and the one who regrets?

Here are three simple steps you can take to help you live the life of your dreams: 

  1. Motivation. Everyone has their own motivations for their dreams. Consider what motivates you towards your goal. It could be financial freedom, more free time, a Disney Vacation or a second home somewhere tropical. Whatever it is, remind yourself of it on a daily basis.

    For example, having pictures of your dream Caribbean home hung on the fridge or in your work space will remind you of your dream and refresh your mind with motivation. When I am working out, I like to have a picture in front of me to motivate me why I am working out, whether it be for an outfit, or to be in the best fitness of my life.

    • When you suffer inevitable setbacks or frustration, a visible reminder of your dream will help motivate you to do what is necessary to get back on track toward your goal. 

    It is also important to give yourself rewards along the way. Rewarding yourself after making a breakthrough, such as acquiring a new client, learning a new computer program, or sharing a smile with your teenager, is absolutely necessary to effectively following through on your path to success.

    Treat yourself to a nice dinner, take the day off for a game of golf, or reward yourself with something else you like. Your reward will give you a refreshing break from the trials and tribulations on your path to success and bring you new energy to continue working toward your goal. 

    • Giving yourself a reward here and there along the way will reinvigorate your motivation with its positive result. 

      However, don’t let your ‘treat’ feed what you are fighting against, you don’t want to find yourself falling backwards, remember to keep balance and moderation to keep you focused on what you are working to achieve.

    • Create a prayer board

      Again, having something that is visual is a great reminder of what you are pursuing, not just to keep you motivated, but by also bringing it to the Lord and growing that mustard seed. When you deeper believe in something, bigger seeds are planted, and even more, when it is aligned with the Lord, the joy and blessings with be multiplied.

  2. Planning. Although developing a systematic plan may seem obvious if you want to achieve your goals, many people overlook or downplay this process and then wonder why they aren’t moving forward toward their goal. Be sure to take the time to plan your path for greater success!

    • Once you have a broad plan to reaching your goal, you must fine-tune all the details. 

    • Put it down on paper, even if it’s an emotional or psychological life goal, and determine the steps necessary to make that goal a reality.

    • Put a time frame on it. Put all excuses aside with a finite deadline for each step.

    • Be realistic of your own competencies.

    • Make Lists!

      Making daily lists is huge to help you prepare daily, but remember to give yourself grace if you didn’t hit everything on it, just try again tomorrow. Remember just 5 minutes of something is better then not even trying. 

    Creating a realistic step-by-step plan with a deadline will bring your dream to life. Setting definable little goals to achieve on the way to your desired large goal will enable you to follow your plan through to success.

  3. Action. Lastly, no dream or goal can be achieved without action. If you’ve developed your plan as recommended, you will see that there are a number of little steps you must take on a daily or intermittent basis that will further you on your path to your ultimate goal.

    • Your little steps give you the map to your treasure. 

      Take action to follow your map. Each step you complete brings you closer to your goal, while the endorphins of completing something continue to motivate you to that next step.

    • Evaluate your actions and revise your map as necessary. 

      If a plan falls through, then be adaptable to change it until you find yourself back on the path to success. Think outside the box and let it be a growing period. Just about every successful person you will ever hear tell their story, will discuss more of the struggles then the successes. Although we only see the success, the stories behind their journey are the most encouraging and inspirational. As I often say, you can’t inspire others if you first lack inspiration. 

    Motivation, planning and action will enable you to create and live the life you’ve always wanted. It may take some time, but following these steps will guide you to success.

    You will see great things happen if you put these simple steps into action… It may not always be easy, but they will indeed will be worth it. Your life is what you create it to be, and living in such a time as this where there are opportunities are limitless, please don’t continue to settle when you were created for so much more. Just be sure not to lose focus on your ‘why’ and enjoy the little things along the way.


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