Embrace Your Quirky Side and Thrive

We all have quirks. Maybe you collect vegetables shaped like movie stars or love to recite Old Norse poetry. Discover more freedom by learning to accept yourself and the idiosyncrasies that make you special.

Benefits of Embracing Your Quirky Side

  1. Live authentically. You can make your own decisions instead of going along with the crowd. Spend time on activities that are meaningful for you, regardless if they’re viewed as quirky. Let your genuine nature shine through. You’ll attract friends who appreciate your true personality.

    Remember: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don’t matter and those you matter don’t mind” Dr Seuss

  2. Boost your confidence. Feel comfortable with yourself. Take pleasure in who you are and what you do. When you equip yourself with the tools you need and the confidence and trust in God, whom shall be against you?? Be driven by your passions regardless of whether they match the current trends.

  3. Develop your skills. Your quirks may be trying to tell you something. Use them to identify your natural talents. Maybe you have a flair for needle work or electronics. Take on an extra course – the mind is a powerful tool, even more when it continues to be strengthened. You learn so much about yourself when you take on new ventures that interest you.

  4. Become more tolerant. Coming to terms with your own peculiarities can help you to be more open-minded about those around you. Show your support for a coworker who is learning to play the harpsichord or training for a hula hoop competition. Patience is definitely a key role that is needed here…

  5. Enjoy free entertainment. Your quirks can provide more amusement than cable TV. Feel free to laugh at yourself. Invite your friends to join you. Enjoy the little things and moments life gives you, they are the moments that will be far more remembered and should be cherished.

  6. Manage stress. Your odd habits may also offer clues about constructive ways for you to relieve the stresses of daily life. Do you find yourself turning to music or cooking when you feel anxious? Journaling is also a great resource. Personally, when things get heavy with everything, I am pursuing alongside being a single mom, I have found a herb that helps my body better regulate stress. 

    Stress is the cause for most of the diseases and health problems today, effecting the mind, body, and spirit as it distracts us from the Creator when we are so focused on our earthly pursuits. Due to my own health, I have found Holy Basil to be a great add on to my self-care regimen when I feel my stress leading me astray. It is important to know what works for you, while keeping your values aligned with how you take care of yourself.

How to Embrace Your Quirky Side

  1. Examine your eccentricities. Distinguish between strange habits that are harmless and those that may be creating difficulties for yourself and others. For example, binge drinking may require professional intervention. On the other hand, painting or creative music can be far more rewarding.

  2. Accommodate others. Even if your quirks are innocent in themselves, you may need to limit the exposure for others. Your spouse will thank you for whistling in the shower instead of at the dinner table.

  3. Turn down the volume. Quiet time and solitude will help you get in touch with your quirky side. Find out what you like to do when no one is watching. Observe how you tackle challenges or organize a complex task. You can learn so much about yourself when you disconnect from everything else.

  4. Look back in time. Thinking back to your childhood can also be revealing. You may find that you have hidden interests that go beyond your professional or family life. Have you always loved cats or been fascinated by machinery? I believe that our purpose is achieved by the tools/gifts we have been given and the passion we have to use them.

  5. Question conventional wisdom. Independent thinking triggers all kinds of breakthroughs. Your innovative approach to a project at work could create a better customer experience or reduce processing time. Your friends may be inspired by the novel way you tie a scarf or how you clean your bathroom. Embrace the little things and you will find that they are what really make you special, as the little details God instilled in you.

  6. Broaden your experiences. Having the courage to be original can lead to adventures. As you try new things, you’ll increase your knowledge about yourself and your surroundings. Your personality will grow richer and your purpose brighter.

  7. Develop informed opinions. Keep in mind that some opinions are more valuable than others. Elaborate reasons for why you prefer red cabbage over green is probably unnecessary. On the other hand, be prepared with facts if you want to persuade your boss to try your unusual filing system for monthly invoices.

  8. Lighten up. Most of all, relax and let go of rigid expectations. There are many ways to be an outstanding parent, friend, or neighbor. Follow your quirks to design the path that best suits your unique abilities.

Quirks make you more interesting and accomplished. Celebrate them! Independent thinking opens up more opportunities for you. Use your quirks to expand your future and leaving you without the what ifs as you are true to your values and your authenticity. Live intentionally with purpose & passion, with the quirks that make you, simply you.


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